Finding stains on any type of flooring—vinyl, tile, wood, carpet, bamboo, and more—is a frustrating situation but there are highly effective stain removers available for each situation. Even marks made long ago but forgotten can often be treated and removed with the right solution. Many flooring stain removers are made from powerful enzyme-based formulas in order to work on food stains, pet waste, and other organic elements.

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Stain Removers

Floor stains happen on every type of surface. Even what seems to be the most impenetrable material that’s ever existed can take on a stubborn mystery stain, leaving the home or business owner wondering how on earth they’re going to get rid of it. Take heart, because for every tough stain on wood, concrete, vinyl, stone, tile, carpet, laminate, and more—there is a stain remover solution that has worked to release it, at least in many if not all instances. The key to having a successful stain removal process is to work fast: wipe up a spill or splatter right when it happens, if you see it. Dab it up with paper towels first, then get ready to apply a stain remover formula. Depending on both the type of stain and the flooring material, you are wise to keep a few different types of stain remover products on hand.

For carpet, you may have to spray a foam-based blend on the spot and let it sit or even dry completely before it’s lifted. For wood, vinyl, and other hard surfaces, it makes a big difference on whether the stain has been there for a short time or a long time. You may need to spread on and let sit a strong stain remover solution in stages, wiping between sessions and making sure that moisture doesn’t build up to irreparably damage the flooring material. Carefully read instructions and contact your flooring manufacturer with any stain-related concerns or questions.

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